Writings listed below in reverse chronological order. Underlined scholars are or were members of my research team at the time of writing. Media interviews and opinion letters can be found at the bottom of the page. If you cannot get hold of an article and you would like to read it, please don’t be shy, and send me an email (esteve.corbera@uab.cat).
Busck-Lumholt, L., Corbera, E., Mertz, O. (accepted) Why target communities remain subjects rather than partners of development agencies in Integrated Conservation and Development Projects in Latin America. European Journal of Development Studies.
Fernández-Llamazares, A., Fa, J.E., Brockington, D., Brondízio, E.S., Cariño, J., Corbera, E., et al. (2024) A baseless statistic could harm the Indigenous Peoples it is meant to support. Nature, 633: 32-35.
Albizua, A., Tuihedur Rahman, H.M., Corbera, E., Pascual, U. (2024) Rural livelihoods displacement and mal-adaptation due to large-scale modern irrigation in Navarre, Spain. Environmental Development, 50, 100987.
Izquierdo-Tort, S., Corbera, E., Moros, L. (2023) Conservando las selvas mediante pagos. Documento de políticas, proyecto PES-EMOTIVE, enero 2024, 6 páginas.
Facchini, F., García López, D., Villamayor-Tomás, S., Corbera, E. (2024) Intersectional coalitions towards a just agroecology: Weaving mutual aid and agroecology in Barcelona and Seville. Agriculture and Human Values, 41: 955-973.
Moros, L., Izquierdo-Tort, S., Corbera, E. (2023) Conservando el norte del Amazonas mediante pagos. Documento de políticas, proyecto PES-EMOTIVE, diciembre 2023, 6 páginas.
Charoud, H.., Costedoat, S., Izquierdo-Tort, S., Moros, L., Castillo, M.A., Wunder, S., Corbera, E. (2023) Sustained participation in a Payments for Ecosystem Services program reduces deforestation in a Mexican agricultural frontier. Scientific Reports 13, 22314.
Corbera, E., Izquierdo-Tort, S. (2023) Payments for Ecosystem Services. In: Ramos-Martín, J. and Padilla, E. (Eds) Edward Elgar Encylopaedia of Ecological Economics, pp. 406-411.
Mempel, F., Corbera, E., Rodríguez Labajos, B., Challies, E. (2023) From railroad imperialism to neoliberal reprimarization: Lessons from regime-shifts in the Global Soybean Complex. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space (online first).
Honey-Rosés, J., Ortega, V., Dejaegher, S., Corbera, E. (2023) Bicycle Parking Use Patterns, Occupancy and Rotation Rates in the Streets of Barcelona. Active Travel Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 3(2): 1-14.
Coenen, J., G. Sonderegger, J. Newig, P. Meyfroidt, E. Challies, S. L. Bager, L. M. Busck-Lumholt, E. Corbera, C. Friis, A. Frohn Pedersen, P. C. S. J. Laroche, C. Parra Paitan, S. Qin, N. Roux, and J. G. Zaehringer. 2023. Toward spatial fit in the governance of global commodity flows. Ecology and Society, 28(2): 24.
Corbera, E., Izquierdo-Tort, S. (2023) Payments for Ecosystem Services. In: Ramos-Martín, J. and Padilla, E. (Eds) Edward Elgar Encylopaedia of Ecological Economics.
Corbera, E., Izquierdo-Tort, S. (2023) The environmentalism of the paid. In: Villamayor-Tomás, S. and Muradian, R. (Eds) The Barcelona School of Ecological Economics and Political Ecology: A Companion in Honour of Joan Martinez-Alier. pp. 367-381, Springer Ltd. ISBN: 978-3-031-22568-0
Alfonso Bécares, D., Giampietro, M., Corbera, E., Tovar-Serrano, T. (2023) Advancing the understanding of forest conservation dynamics through livelihood and landscape change scenarios: a case study in Chiapas, Mexico. Environment, Development, Sustainability.
Facchini, F., Villamayor-Tomás, S., Corbera, E., Ravera, F., Pocull, G., Codina, G. (2023) Socio-ecological vulnerability in rural Spain: Literature gaps and policy implications. Regional Environmental Change, 23: 26.
Anguelovski, I., Corbera, E. (2023) Integrating justice in Nature-Based Solutions to avoid nature-enabled dispossession. Ambio, 42(1): 45-53.
Busck-Lumholt, L., Coenen, J., Persson, J.G., Pedersen, A.F., Mertz, O., Corbera, E. (2022) Telecoupling as a framework to support a more nuanced understanding of causality in Land System Science. Journal of Land Use Science, 17(1): 386-406.
Izquierdo-Tort, S, Corbera E., Martin, A., Carabias Lillo, J., Dupras, J. (2022) Contradictory distributive principles and land tenure govern benefit-sharing of payments for ecosystem services (PES) in Chiapas, Mexico. Environmental Research Letters, 17: 055009.
Busck-Lumholt, L., Corbera, E., Mertz, O. (2022) How are institutions included in Integrated Conservation and Development Projects? Developing and testing a diagnostic approach on the World Bank’s Forest and Community project in Salta, Argentina. World Development, 157: 105956.
Meyfroidt P, de Bremond A, Ryan CM, …., Corbera E, …., zu Ermgassen EKHJ (2022) ‘Ten facts about land systems for sustainability‘, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, vol. 119, no. 7, e2109217118.
Stuit, A., Brockington, D., Corbera, E. (2022) Smart, commodified and encoded: Blockchain technology for environmental sustainability and nature conservation. Conservation and Society, AOP: 1-12.
Almanza-Alcalde, H., Satyal, P., Corbera, E., Soto-Sánchez, A., Pskowski, M. (2022) Participatory injustice in Mexico’s readiness process to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+). Human Ecology, 50(1): 79–90.
Reyes-García, V., Corbera, E. (2021) Climate Change Impacts on the Mediterranean Basin: A Social-Ecological Perspective. In Quintana, O. (Ed) “Socio-Economic Impacts of Climate Change in the Mediterranean”, European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMED), Policy Report, pp. 34-49.
Pedersen, A.F., Jonsson, J., Bager, S., Mempel, F., Nielsen, J.O., Corbera, E. (2021) The Ambiguity of Transparency in the Artisanal and Smallscale Mining Sector of Tanzania. The Extractive Industries & Society (in press).
Mempel, F., Corbera, E. (2021) Framing the frontier. Tracing issues related to soybean expansion in transnational public spheres. Global Environmental Change, 69: 102308.
Izquierdo-Tort, S., Corbera, E., Barceinas Cruz, A., Naime, J., Vázquez-Cisneros, P.A., Carabias Lillo, J., Castro-Tovar, E., Ortiz Rosas, F., Rubio, N., Torres Knoop, L, Dupras, J. (2021) Local Responses to Design Changes in Payments for Ecosystem Services in Chiapas, Mexico. Ecosystem Services, 50: 101305.
Corbera, E., Maestre-Andrés, S., Calvet-Mir, L., Brockington, D., Howe, C., Adams, W.M. (2021) Biases in the production of knowledge on ecosystem services and poverty alleviation. Oryx, 55(6): 868–877.
Barnaud, C, Fisher, A., Staddon, S., Blackstock, K., Moreau, C., Corbera, E., Hester, A., Mathevet, R., McKee, A., Reyes, J., Sirami, C., Eastwood, A. (2021) Is forest regeneration good for biodiversity? Exploring the social dimensions of an apparently ecological debate. Environmental Science and Policy, 120: 63-72.
Schlingmann, A., Graham, S., Benyei, P., Corbera, E., Marelle, A., Martínez Sanesteban, I., Solemany-Fard, R., Reyes-García, V. (2021) Global patterns of adaptation to climate changeby Indigenous Peoples and local communities. A systematic review. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 51/52: 55-64.
Corbera, E., Lave, R., Robertson, M., Maestre-Andrés, S. (2021) Neoliberal policy refugia: The death and life of biodiversity offsetting in the European Union and its member states. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers.
d’Armengol, L., Ruiz-Mallén, I., Barnaud, C., Corbera, E. (2021) What does comanagement offer? Exploring users’ knowledge through mental models in the fishery of La Encrucijada Biosphere Reserve, Mexico. Ecology and Society, 26(1): 25.
Asara, V., Demaria, F., Corbera, E. (2020) La decrescita come trasformazione socio-ecologica: ripoliticizzare la sostenibilità. Culture della Sostenibilità, 25: 1-17.
Wells, G., Ryan, C., Fisher, J., Corbera, E. (2020) In defence of simplified PES designs. Nature Sustainability, in press.
Lind, A., Honey-Rosés, J., Corbera, E. (2020) Rule compliance and desire lines in Barcelona’s cycling network. Transportation Letters, in press.
Satyal, P., Corbera, E., Dawson, N., Dhungana, H., Maskey, G. (2020) Justice-related impacts and social differentiation dynamics in Nepal’s REDD+ projects. Forest Policy and Economics, 117: 102203.
Anguelovski, I., Brand, A.L., Connolly, J.T., Corbera, E., Kotsila, P., Steil, J., Garcia-Lamarca, M., Triguero-Mas, M., Cole, H., Baró, F., Langemeyer, J., Pérez del Pulgar, C., Shokry, G., Sekulova, F., Argüelles, L. (2020) Expanding the boundaries of justice and equity in urban greening scholarship: Towards an emancipatory, intersectional, and relational approach. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, in press.
Corbera, E., Anguelovski, I., Honey-Rosés, J., Ruiz-Mallén, I. (2020) Academia in the time of Covid-19: Towards an ethics of care. Planning Theory and Practice, 21(2): 191-199.
Maestre-Andrés, S. Corbera, E., Robertson, M., Lave, R. (2020) Habitat banking at a standstill: the case of Spain. Environmental Science and Policy, 109: 54-63.
Boillat, S., Martin, A., Adams, T., Daniel, D., Llopis, J., Zepharovich, E., Oberlack, C., Sonderegger, G., Bottazzi, P., Corbera, E., Ifejika Speranza, C., Pascual, U. (2020) Why telecoupling research needs to account for environmental justice. Journal of Land Use Science, 15(1): 1-10.
Moros, L., Corbera, E., Vélez, M.A., Flechas, D. (2020) Pragmatic conservation: Discourses of payments for ecosystem services in Colombia. Geoforum, 108: 169-183.
Shapiro-Garza, E., McElwee, P., van Hecken, G., Corbera, E. (2020) Beyond Market Logics: Payments for Ecosystem Services as Alternative Development Practices in the Global South. Development and Change, 51(1): 3-25.
Corbera, E., Costedoat, S., van Hecken, G., Ezzine de Blas, D. (2020) Troubled encounters: Payments for ecosystem services in Chiapas, Mexico. Development and Change, 51(1): 167-195.
Alfonso-Bécares, D., Corbera, E. (2020) Have Payments for Ecosystem Services delivered for the rural poor? A decade of implementation in the ‘global South’. In: Nikolakis, W. & Innes, J.L. (Eds) The Wicked Problem of Forest Policy: New Directions in Research and Practice. Cambridge University Press.
Corbera, E., Martin, A., Springate-Baginski, O., Villaseñor, A. (2020) Sowing the seeds of sustainable rural livelihoods? An assessment of Participatory Forest Management through REDD+ in Tanzania. Land Use Policy, 97: 102962.
Corbera, E., Works, C., Roth, D. (2019) Climate change policies, natural resources and conflict: Implications for development. Climate Policy, 19 (S1): S1–S7.
Satyal, P., Corbera, E., Dawson, N., Dhungana, H., Maskey, G. (2019) Representation and participation in formulating Nepal’s REDD+ approach. Climate Policy, 19 (S1): S8–S22.
Hoang, C., Satyal, P., Corbera, E. (2019) “This is my garden”: Justice claims and struggles over forests in Vietnam’s REDD+. Climate Policy, 19 (S1): S23–S35.
Albizua, A., Corbera, E., Pascual, U. (2019) Farmers’ vulnerability to global change in Navarre, Spain: large-scale irrigation as maladaptation. Regional Environmental Change.
Albizua, A., Pascual, U., Corbera, E. (2019) Large-scale Irrigation Impacts Socio-cultural Values: An Example from Rural Navarre, Spain. Ecological Economics, 159: 354-361.
Corbera, E. with R. Fletcher, S. Hall, Leung, M.W.H., MacLeavy, J., Harvey, N., Ruwanpura, K.N., Turner, S. -in undistinct order- (2019) The future of scholarly publishing: Paywalls and profits or a new plan? Geoforum, 102: 1-4.
Ezzine-de-Blas, D., Corbera, E., Lapeyre, R. (2019) Payments for Environmental Services and Motivation Crowding: Towards a Conceptual Framework. Ecological Economics, 156: 434-443.
Moros, L., Vélez, M.A., Corbera, E. (2019) Payments for Ecosystem Services and Motivational Crowding in Colombia’s Amazon Piedmont. Ecological Economics, 156: 468-488.
Corbera, E., Lumholt, L.M.B., Mempel, F., Rodríguez-Labajos, B. (2019) Environmental justice in telecoupling research. In: Friis, C., and Nielsen, J.O. (Eds) Telecoupling. Exploring land-use change in a globalised world. Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp. 213-232.
Busck-Lumholt, L., Coenen, J., Pedersen, A.F., Persson, J., Malik, S., Corbera, E. (2019) Exploring impacts and causality in telecoupling research: Emerging evidence and knowledge gaps. Report on the outcomes of VMS 5 (causality), EU-ITN COUPLED project (www.coupled-itn.eu).
Pritchard, R., Brockington, D., Adams, B., Agarwal, B., Agrawal, A., Corbera, E., Duffy, R.V., Oldekop, J., Symons, K., Asiyanbi, A., Ariadne Collins, Y., Krauss, J., Mabele, M., Fletcher, R., Buscher, B., Chhatre, A. (2019) Forests: regrow with locals’ participation. Nature 569, pp. 630.
d’Armengol, L., Castillo Prieto, M., Ruiz-Mallén, I., Corbera, E. (2018) A systematic review of co-managed small-scale fisheries: Social diversity and adaptive management improve outcomes. Global Environmental Change, 52: 212-225.
Vang Rasmussen, L., Coolsaet, B., Martin, A., Mertz, O., Pascual, U., Corbera, E., Dawson, E., Fisher, J., Franks, P., Ryan, C.M. (2018) Social-ecological outcomes of agricultural intensification. Nature Sustainability, 1(6): 275-282.
Howe, C., Corbera, E., Brockington, D., Vira, B., Adams, W.M. (2020) Distinct positions underpin ecosystem services for poverty alleviation. Oryx, 54(3): 375-382.
Honey-Rosés, J., Maurer, M., Ramírez, I., Corbera, E. (2018) Quantifying active and passive restoration in central Mexico from 1986-2012: Assessing the evidence of a forest transition. Restoration Ecology, 26(6): 1180-1189.
Barnaud, C, Corbera, E., Muradian, R., Salliou, N., Sirami, C., Vialatte, A., Choisis, J.P., Dendoncker, N., Mathevet, R., Moreau, C., Reyes-García, V., Boada, M., Deconchat, M., Cibien, C., Garnier, S., Maneja, R., Antona, M. (2018) Ecosystem services, social interdependencies and collective action: a conceptual framework. Ecology and Society, 23(1): 15.
Martin, A., Coolsaet, B., Corbera, E., Dawson, N., Fisher, J., Franks, P., Mertz, O., Pascual, U., Rasmussen, LV., Ryan, C. (2018). Sustainable Agricultural Intensification? ESPA Policy Brief 2018.
Almanza, H., Soto, A., Pskowski, M., Satyal, P. & Corbera, E. (2018) REDD+ in Mexico: Towards a just and conflict sensitive approach to reduce land-use emissions. INAH Policy Brief, Mexico.
Martin, A., Coolsaet, B., Corbera, E., Dawson, N., Fisher, J., Franks, P., Mertz, O., Pascual, U., Vang Rasmussen, L., Ryan, C. (2018) Land use intensification: the promise of sustainability and the reality of trade-offs. In: Schreckenberg, K., Mace, G., Poudyal, M. (Eds) Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation. Trade-offs and Governance. Earthscan. pp. 94-110.
Corbera, E., Schroeder, H. (2017) REDD+ Crossroads Post Paris: Politics, Lessons and Interplays. Forests, 8(12): 508. Full Special Issue (book format).
Almanza, H., Soto, A., Satyal, P., Corbera, E. (2017) Conflict and Cooperation over REDD+ in Mexico: Stakeholder Engagement & Policy Dialogue Workshop Report. Casa Rafael Galván, Mexico City, 9th November, 2016.
Dhungana, H., Maskey, G., Satyal, P., Corbera, E., Tepe, T. (2017) Towards a Just REDD+: Transforming Forest Conflicts in Nepal. SIAS Policy Brief 1/2017, Kathmandu, Nepal, November 2017.
Delgado-Serrano, M.M., Oteros-Rozas, E., Ruiz-Mallén, I., Ortiz Guerrero, C.E., Escalante, R., Calvo-Boyero, D., Corbera, E. Influence of Community-Based Natural Resource Management strategies in the resilience of Social-Ecological Systems. Regional Environmental Change, 18(2): 581-592
Corbera, E., Hunsberger, C., Vaddhanaphuti, C. (2017) Climate change policies, land grabbing and conflict: perspectives from Southeast Asia. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 38(3): 297-304.
Hunsberger, C., Corbera, E., Borras, J.S., et al. (2017) Climate change mitigation, land grabbing and conflict: towards a landscape-based and collaborative action research agenda. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 38(3): 305-324.
Börner, J., Baylis, K., Corbera, E., Ezzine-de-Blas, D., Honey-Rosés, J., Persson, M., Wunder, S. (2017) The effectiveness of Payments for Environmental Services. World Development, 96: 359-374.
Almeida-Leñero, L., Revollo-Fernández, D., Caro-Borrero, A., Ruiz-Mallén, I., Corbera, E., Mazari-Hiriart, M., Figueroa, F. (2017) Not the same for everyone: Community views of Mexico’s payment for environmental services programmes. Environmental Conservation, 44(3): 201-211.
El Didi, H., Corbera, E. (2017) A moral economy of water: charity wells in Egypt’s Nile Delta. Development and Change, 48(1): 121–145.
Corbera, E. (2017) Prefacio. In Ezzine de Blas, D., Le Coq, J.F. and Guevara Sanginés, A. Pagos por Servicios Ambientales en América Latina: Gobernanza, Impactos y Perspectivas. ISBN 978-607-417-451-9
Corbera, E., (2017) Redeeming REDD. Policies, incentives and social feasibility for avoided deforestation, by M.I. Brown. Book review, The Journal of Peasant Studies, 44:2, 502-506.
Corbera, E. (2017) Foreword – The carbon offsetting dilemma. In Paladino, S. and Fiske, S. (eds.) The Carbon Fix; Forest Carbon, Social Justice and Environmental Governance. Routledge ISBN 978-161-132-333-7.
Corbera, E. with P. Carmody, R. Fletcher, S. Hall, Harvey, N. Perrault, T.A., Ruwanpura, K.N. -in undistinct order- (2017). What’s Left? The role of critical scholarship in a Trumpian age. Geoforum, 85: 316-317.
Börner, J., Baylis, K., Corbera, E., Ezzine de Blas, D., Ferraro, P.J., Honey-Rosés, J., Lapeyre, R., Persson, U.M., Wunder, S. (2016) Emerging evidence on the effectiveness of tropical forest conservation. PLoS One 11(11): e0159152.
Caruso, E., Schunko, C, Corbera, E., Ruiz Mallén, I., Vogl, C.R., et al. (2016) Lessons for Research Policy and Practice: The Case of Co-enquiry Research with Rural Communities. Journal of Research Practice, 12:1 Article M1.
Khatun, K., Corbera, E., Ball, S. (2016) Fire is REDD+: Offsetting carbon through early burning activities in south-eastern Tanzania. Oryx. Available online.
Costedoat, S., Koetse, M., Corbera, E., Ezzine de Blas, D. (2016) Cash only? Unveiling preferences for a PES contract through a choice experiment in Chiapas, Mexico. Land Use Policy, 58: 302-317.
Dunlop, T., Corbera, E. (2016) Incentivizing REDD+: How developing countries are laying the groundwork for benefit-sharing. Environmental Science and Policy, 63: 44-54.
Martin, A., Dawson, N., Coolsaet, B., Corbera, E., Fraser, J., Lehmann, I., Rodríguez, I. (2016) Justice and conservation: the need to incorporate recognition. Biological Conservation, 197: 254–261.
Robledo-Abad, C., Althaus, H.J., Berndes, G., Bolwig, S., Corbera, E., Creutzig, F., Garcia, J., Geddes, A.,Gregg, J.S., Haberl, H., et al. (2016) Bioenergy production and sustainable development: limited science base for policy making. Global Change Biology Bioenergy.
Corbera, E., Calvet-Mir, L., Hughes, H.R., Paterson, M. (2016) Patterns of authorship in the IPCC Working Group III report. Nature Climate Change, 6(1): 94-99.
Baylis, K., Honey-Rosés, J., Börner, J., Corbera, E., Ezzine de Blas, D., Pfaff, A., Wunder, S., Persson, M., Ferraro, P. (2016) Mainstreaming Impact Evaluation in Nature Conservation. Conservation Letters. 9(1): 58-64.
Corbera, E. and Martin, A. (2015) Carbon offsets: accommodation or resistance? Environment and Planning A, 47(10): 2023-2030.
Wittman, H., Powell, L., Corbera, E. (2015) Financing the Agrarian Transition? The Clean Development Mechanism and Agricultural Change in Latin America. Environment and Planning A, 47(10): 2031-2046.
Khatun, K., Gross-Camp, N., Corbera, E., Martin, A., Ball, S., Massao, G. (2015) When Participatory Forest Management makes money: insights from Tanzania on governance, benefit sharing and implications for REDD+. Environment and Planning A, 47(10): 2097-2112.
Ruiz-Mallén, I., Corbera, E., Calvo Boyero, D., Reyes-García, V. (2015) Participatory scenarios to explore adaptation to global change in biosphere reserves: Experiences from Bolivia and Mexico. Environmental Science and Policy, 54: 398-408.
Ruiz-Mallén, I., Schunko, C., Reyes-García, V., Corbera, E., Rös, M. (2015) Meanings, drivers and motivations for community-based conservation in Latin America. Ecology and Society, 20(3): 33.
Kongsager, R. and Corbera, E. (2015) Linking adaptation and mitigation in carbon forestry projects: evidence from Belize. World Development, 76: 132–146.
Asara, V., Otero, I., Demaria, F., Corbera, E. (2015) Socially sustainable degrowth as a social-ecological transformation: repoliticizing sustainability. Sustainability Science, 10(3): 375-384.
Calvet-Mir, L., Corbera, E., Martin, A., Gross-Camp, N. and Fisher, J. (2015) Payments for Ecosystem Services in tropical and sub-tropical regions: a closer look at effectiveness and equity. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 14: 150-162.
Ruiz-Mallén, I., Corbera, E., Calvo-Boyero, D., Reyes-García, V. and Brown, K. (2015) How do biosphere reserves influence local vulnerability and adaptation? Evidence from Latin America. Global Environmental Change, 33: 97-108.
Baylis, K., Honey-Rosés, J., Börner, J., Corbera, E., Ezzine de Blas, D., Pfaff, A., Wunder, S., Persson, M. and Ferraro, P. (2015) Mainstreaming Impact Evaluation in Nature Conservation. Conservation Letters. 9(1): 58-64.
Costedoat, S., Corbera, E., Ezzine de Blas, D., Honey-Rosés, J., Baylis, K. and Castillo, M.A. (2015) How effective are payments for biodiversity conservation in Mexico? PLOS One 10(3): e0119881.
Corbera, E. (2015) Valuing nature, paying for ecosystem services and realizing social justice: A response to Matulis. Ecological Economics, 110: 154-157.
Hendrickson, C. and Corbera, E. (2015) Participation Dynamics and Institutional Change in the Scolel Té carbon forestry project, Chiapas, Mexico. Geoforum, 59: 63-72. 11.
Caro-Borrero, A.P., Corbera, E., Neitzel, K. and Almeida-Leñero, L. (2015) ‘We are the city lungs’: Payments for ecosystem services in the outskirts of Mexico City. Land Use Policy, 43:138-148.
Hunsberger, C., Corbera, E., Borras, J.S., et al. (2015) Land-based climate change mitigation, land grabbing and conflict: understanding intersections and linkages, exploring actions for change. MOSAIC Working Paper Series No. 1. MOSAIC Research Project, International Institute of Social Studies, The Netherlands, and RCSD Chiang Mai University, Thailand, May 2015.
Corbera, E., Villaseñor, A., Martin, A., Springate-Baginski, O. (2015) MCDI REDD Project: Combining REDD, PFM and FSC Certification in SE Tanzania. An analysis of livelihood impacts through household panel data (2011-2014). A report prepared for the Mpingo Conservation and Development Initiative.
Pascual, U., Phelps, J., Garmendia, E., Brown, K., Corbera, E., Martin, A., Muradian, R. and Gómez-Baggethun, E., 2014. Social equity matters in Payments for Ecosystem Services. Bioscience, 64(11): 1027-1036.
Castree, N., Adams, W.M., Barry, J., Brockington, D., Büscher, B., Corbera, E., Demeritt, D., Duffy, R., Felt, U., Neves, K., Newell, P., Pellizzoni, L., Rigby, K., Robbins, P., Robin, L., Rose, D.B., Ross, A., Schlosberg, D., Sörlin, S., West, P., Whitehead, M., and Wynne, B., 2014. Changing the Intellectual Climate. Nature Climate Change, 4(9) : 763-768.
Creutzig, F., Ravindranath, NH., Berndes, G. Bolwig, S., Bright, R., Cherubini, F., Chum, H., Corbera, E., Delucchi, M., Faaij, A., Fargione, J., Haberl, H., Heath, G., Lucon, O., Plevin, R., Popp, A., Robledo Abad, C., Rose, S., Smith, P., Strømman, A., Suh, S. and Masera, O., 2014. Bioenergy and climate change mitigation: an assessment. Global Change Biology Bioenergy.
Hunsberger, C., Bolwig, S., Corbera, E., Creutzig, F., 2014. Livelihood impacts of biofuel crop production: mediating factors and implications for governance. Geoforum 54: 248-260.
Mingorría, S., Gamboa, G., López-Martín, B., Corbera, E., 2014. The oil palm boom: socio-economic implications for Q’eqchi’ communities in the Polochic valley, Guatemala. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 16(4): 841-871.
Fleurbaey, M., et al., 2014. Sustainable Development and equity. In Edenhofer, O., Pichs Madruga, R., and Sokona, Y. (eds) IPCC, 2014: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press.
Smith, P., Bustamante, M. et al., 2014. Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use. In Edenhofer, O, Pichs Madruga, R., Sokona, Y. (eds) IPCC, 2014: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press.
Gómez-Baggethun, E., Corbera, E., Reyes-García, V., 2013. Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Global Environmental Change: Research findings and policy implications. Ecology & Society 18(4): 72.
Ruiz-Mallén, I. and Corbera E., 2013. Community-Based Conservation and Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Implications for socio-ecological resilience. Ecology & Society 18(4): 12.
Ruiz-Mallén, I., Corbera, E., Novkovic, A., Calvo-Boyero, D., and Reyes-García, V., 2013. Adapting to environmental change in Latin America: Planning the future from the bottom-up. EU Policy Brief, October 2013.
Creutzig, F., Corbera, E., Hunsberger, C., and Bolwig, S., 2013. Integrating Place-Specific Livelihood and Equity Outcomes into Global Assessments of Bioenergy Deployment. Environmental Research Letters, 8(3).
Muradian, R., Arsel, M., Pellegrini L., Adaman F., Aguilar, B., Agarwal, B., Corbera, E., et al. 2013. Payments for Ecosystem Services and the fatal attraction of win-win solutions. Conservation Letters, 6(4): 274-279.
Springate-Baginski, O., Martin, A. and Corbera, E., 2013. REDD+ Village Governance: Participatory Assessment and Monitoring. A report prepared for the Mpingo Conservation and Development Initiative.
Corbera, E., 2012. Problematizing REDD+ as an experiment in payments for ecosystem services. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 4: 612-619.
Ruiz-Mallén, I., Corbera, E., Reyes-García, V., 2012. Resilience in biocultural community-based conservation: Coping with global environmental change. Policy implications of COMBIOSERVE. EU Policy Brief, September 2012.
Corbera, E., Martin, A. and Springate-Baginski, O., 2012. MCDI REDD Project: Combining REDD, PFM and FSC Certification in SE Tanzania. Socio-Economic Monitoring Report. www.mpingoconservation.org
Smalley, R., and Corbera, E., 2012. Large-scale land deals from the inside out: findings from Kenya’s Tana Delta.Journal of Peasant Studies, 39(3-4): 1039-1075.
Corbera, E. and Friedli, C., 2012. Planting trees through the Clean Development Mechanism: a critical assessment. Ephemera: theory and politics in organisation, 12(1/2): 201-246.
Corbera, E. and Pascual, U., 2012. Ecosystem Services: Heed Social Goals. Science, 335(10): 355-356.
Corbera, E. and Jover Molero, N., 2012. The undelivered promises of Clean Development Mechanism projects in Mexico. Carbon Management, 3(1): 39-54.
Estrada, M. and Corbera, E., 2012. The potential of carbon offsetting projects in the forestry sector for poverty reduction in developing countries. In: De Clerck, F., Ingram, J.C., Rumbaitis del Rio, C. (eds) Integrating Ecology and Poverty Reduction. Springer Publishing Ltd. ISBN 978-1-4419-0632-8
Corbera, E. 2012. Powers of exclusion. Land dilemmas in Southeast Asia.
Journal of Peasant Studies, 39:1: 221-225.
Russi, D., Corbera, E., Puig-Ventosa, I. and Cazorla-Clariso, X., 2011. Payment for Ecosystems Services in Catalonia, Spain. A review of experience and potential applications. Spanish Journal of Rural Development, 2(1): 87-100.
Corbera, E., Estrada, M., May, P., Navarro, G. and Pacheco, P., 2011. Rights to Land, Forests and Carbon: Insights from Mexico, Brazil and Costa Rica. Forests, 2: 301-342.
Pascual, U. and Corbera, E. 2011. Pagos por servicios ambientales: perspectivas y experiencias innovadoras para la conservación de la naturaleza y el desarrollo rural. Revista Española de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros, 228: 11-29.
Corbera, E. and Schroeder, H. 2011. Governing and implementing REDD+. Environmental Science and Policy, 14(2): 89-99.
Corbera, E. and Brown, K. 2010. Offseting benefits? Analysing access to forest carbon. Environment and Planning A, 42(7): 1739-1761.
Corbera, E., Estrada, M. and Brown, K. 2010. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation in developing countries: Revisiting the assumptions. Climatic Change, 100 (3-4), 355-388.
Muradian, R., Corbera, E., Pascual, U., Kosoy, N. and May, P., 2010. Reconciling theory and practice: An alternative conceptual framework for understanding payments for environmental services. Ecological Economics 69, 1202-1208.
Kosoy, N. and Corbera, E., 2010. Payments for ecosystem services as commodity fetishism. Ecological Economics 69, 1228-1236.
Corbera, E. and Romeo, I., 2010. Climate change management instruments. A: Llebot, J.E. (ed) Segon Informe sobre el Canvi Climàtic a Catalunya. Institut d’Estudis Catalans i Departament de Medi Ambient i Habitatge. (Original in catalan)
Corbera, E., 2010. Mexico’s PES-carbon program: a preliminary assessment and impacts on rural livelihoods. In: Tacconi, L., Mahanty, S. and Suich, H. (eds) Livelihoods in the REDD? Payments for environmental services, forest conservation and climate change. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham.
Corbera, E. (2010) Mexico. In Springate-Baginski, O. and E. Wollenberg (eds) REDD, forest governance and rural livelihoods. The emerging agenda. Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor. Pp. 95-108. ISBN: 978-602-8693-15-8
Corbera, E., and Besnard, M., 2010. L’aigua i el canvi climàtic a la Mediterrània.UNESCOCAT. ISBN: 978-84-95584-33-5.
Larson, A.M., Corbera, E., Cronkleton, P., van Dam, C., Bray, D., Estrada, M., May, P. Medina, G., Navarro, G., and Pacheco, P., 2010. Rights to forests and carbon under REDD+ initiatives in Latin America. CIFOR Infobrief 33, November 2010.
Corbera, E., 2010. REED+ oportunidades y riesgos. Ecología Política 39, 37-44.
Corbera, E., Estrada, M., May, P., Navarro, G. i P. Pacheco, 2010. Rights to forests and carbon: insights from Mexico, Brazil and Costa Rica. Working Paper, Center for International Forestry Research.
Boyd, E., Hultman, N., Timmons Roberts, J., Corbera, E., Cole, J., Bozmoski, A., Ebeling, J., Tippman, R., Mann, P., Brown, K. and Liverman, D., 2009. Reforming the CDM for sustainable development: lessons learned and policy futures. Environmental Science and Policy 12(7), 820-831.
Corbera, E., Estrada, M. and Brown, K., 2009. How do regulated and voluntary carbon-offset schemes compare? Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences 6(1), 26-50.
Kosoy, N., Corbera, E., and Brown, K., 2009. Participation in payments for ecosystem services: Case studies from the Lacandon rainforest, Mexico. Geoforum 39(6), 2073-2083.
Corbera, E., González Soberanis, C. and Brown, K., 2009. Institutional Dimensions of Payments for Ecosystem Services. An analysis of Mexico’s carbon forestry programme. Ecological Economics 68, 743-761.
Hultman, N.E., Boyd, E., Corbera, E., Liverman, D., Ebeling, J. and Brown, K., 2009. How can the Clean Development Mechanism better contribute to sustainable development? Ambio 38(2), 120-122.
Corbera, E., Puig, I., Ramos-Martín, J. and Cañellas, S., 2009. Exemples d’instruments per la gestió de la demanda energètica. In: Ramos-Martín, J. (ed) Ús de l’Energia a Catalunya. Anàlisi del Metabolisme Energètic de l’Economia Catalana. Consell Assessor per al Desenvolupament Sostenible, Generalitat de Catalunya.
Corbera, E. and Estrada, M., 2009. Not ready for REDD? Science and Development Network Opinion Note.
Corbera, E., 2009. El cambio climático y los pobres. Vanguardia Dossier ‘Cambio Climático: El Reto de la Humanidad’, Octubre-Desembre 2009, Barcelona.
Corbera, E. and Estrada, M., 2009. A cautionary note on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. Tyndall Briefing Note 39, Tyndall Centre, Norwich.
Corbera, E. and Broderick, J., 2009. The expanding carbon markets: Issues, perspectives, and the role of science. Tyndall Briefing Note 37, Tyndall Centre, Norwich.
Corbera, E. and Brown, K., 2008. Building institutions to trade ecosystem services: Marketing forest carbon in Mexico. World Development 36(10), 1956-1979.
Boyd, E., Corbera, E., and Estrada, M., 2008. UNFCCC negotiations (pre-Kyoto to COP-9): what the process says about the politics of CDM-sinks. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 8, 95-112.
Corbera, E. and Kosoy, N., 2008. Equity implications of marketing ecosystem services. IMCAFS Basins & Coasts Newsletter, 3: 16-23.
Estrada, M., Corbera, E. and Brown, K., 2008. How do regulated and voluntary carbon-offset schemes compare? Tyndall Centre Working Paper 116, Tyndall Centre, Norwich.
Corbera, E., N. Kosoy and Martinez Tuna, M., 2007. Equity implications of marketing ecosystem services in protected areas and rural communities: Case studies from Meso-America. Global Environmental Change 17(3-4), 365-380.
Corbera, E., Brown K, and Adger, W.N., 2007. The equity and legitimacy of markets for ecosystem services. Development and Change 38(4), 587-613.
Estrada, M., Corbera, E. and Brown, K., 2007. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation in developing countries: Revisiting the assumptions. Tyndall Centre Working Paper 115, Tyndall Centre, Norwich.
Boyd, E., Hultman, N.E., Roberts, T., Corbera, E., Ebeling, J., Liverman, D., Brown, K., Tippman, R., Cole, J., Mann, P., Kaiser, M. and Robbins, M., 2007. The Clean Development Mechanism: An assessment of current practice and future approaches for policy. Tyndall Centre Working Paper 114, Tyndall Centre, Norwich.
Corbera, E. and Gonzalez Soberanis, C., 2007. Pago por Servicios Ambientales en México: Situación actual y objetivos de futuro. Ciutat de Mèxic, 18-19 de Juliol, 2007.
Corbera, E. and Benet, A., 2007. Sostenibilitat per CO2: Un programa pel càlcul i la reducció d’emissions del Departament del Vicepresidència, Generalitat de Catalunya. Consell Assessor per al Desenvolupament Sostenible.
Corbera, E. 2007. Climate change and forest livelihoods: impacts and synergies. Arborvitae: the IUCN/WWF Newsletter, No 34, October 2007.
Corbera, E. and Cazorla, X., 2007. Canvi climàtic: ciència, política internacional i respostes a Catalunya. El Punt Ambiental, 5-11.
Corbera, E., 2007. El Informe Stern: Una reflexión crítica sobre deforestación evitada. Ecología Política, 32, 155-157.
Corbera, E., Kosoy, N. and Martínez Tuna, M., 2006. Marketing ecosystem services through protected areas and rural communities in Meso-America: Implications for economic efficiency, equity and political legitimacy. Tyndall Centre Working Paper 94, Tyndall Centre, Norwich.
Corbera, E. 2006. AIJ forestry evaluation and implications for CDM A/R projects. Joint Implementation Quarterly 12(1), 8.
Corbera, E., D. Conway, Goulden, M. and Vincent, K., 2006. Climate Change in Africa: Linking Science and Policy for Adaptation. Workshop Report, Tyndall Centre, Norwich.
Corbera, E., 2006. The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change. A guide to the Debate by A. E. Dessler and E. A. Parson. Book review. Environmental Sciences, 1 (3).
Corbera, E., Goulden, M., Brown, K., 2006. Crossing borders and cultures: climate change knowledge and research in developing countries. In Tyndall Centre (ed) Truly Useful… doing research that is useful for both theory and practice. Tyndall Centre, Norwich. pp.44.
Dessai, S., Schipper, E.L., Corbera, E., Haxeltine, A., Kjellen, B., Gutierrez, M., 2005. Challenges and Outcomes at the Ninth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 5, 105-124.
Corbera, E., 2005. Bringing development into carbon forestry markets: Challenges and outcomes of small-scale carbon forestry activities in Mexico. A: Murdiyarso, D. and Herawati, H. (eds) Carbon Forestry: Who will benefit? Centre Internacional de Recerca Forestal, Bogor, Indonesia.
Boyd, E., Corbera, E., Gutierrez, M. and Estrada, M., 2004. The politics of afforestation and reforestation activities at COP-9 and SB-20. Briefing Note 12, Tyndall Centre, Norwich.
Brown, K., Adger, W.N., Boyd, E., Corbera, E., and Shackley, S., 2004. How do CDM projects contribute to sustainable development? Technical Report 16, Tyndall Centre, Norwich.
Brown, K. and Corbera, E., 2003. Exploring equity and sustainable development in the new carbon economy. Climate Policy 3 (S1), S41-S56.
Ysern, P., M. Vila, E. Corbera, X. Guardino i E. Gadea, 2003. Bones Pràctiques Ambientals als Laboratoris Universitaris. Manuals d’ecogestió núm 13. 98pp i 11 fitxes. Ed. Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Medi Ambient. ISBN 84-393-6095-9.
Dessai, S., Schipper, E.L.F., Corbera, E., Haxeltine, A., Kjellén, B. and Gutierrez, M., 2003. Challenges and Outcomes at COP-9. Tyndall Briefing Note 11, Tyndall Centre, Norwich.
Corbera, E. and Zepeda, Y., 2003. Sustainable development criteria for projects operating under carbon markets. Instituto Nacional de Ecología, Mexico City, 23 de Juliol, 2003.
Brown, K. and Corbera, E., 2003. A Multi-Criteria Assessment Framework for Carbon-Mitigation Projects: Putting ‘development’ in the centre of decision-making. Tyndall Centre Working Paper 29, Tyndall Centre, Norwich.
Corbera, E. and Boada, M., 2002. La Convenció sobre la Biodiversitat: Política i Acció des de l’àmbit global al local. DCIDOB Desenvolupament Sostenible 84, 31-35.
Corbera, E., 2002. Climate Policy and Development: Flexible Instruments and Developing Countries by A. Michaelowa and M. Dutschke (eds). Book review. Environmental Politics, 11 (4).
Corbera, E., 2001. Globalització i governabilitat ambiental. A: Pon, D, Cazorla, X. i Corbera, E. (eds) Medi Ambient, Sostenibilitat i Globalització. Materials educatius, Universitat de Barcelona.
Special issues as guest editor
Corbera, E., Roth, D., Work, C. (2019). Climate change policies, natural resources, and conflict: Exploring linkages with, impacts on and implications for development. Climate Policy. 9 contributions.
Ezzine de Blas, Corbera, E., Lapeyre, R. (2019) Crowding-out or crowding-in? Behavioural and ethical responses to economic incentives for conservation. Ecological Economics. 8 contributions.
Corbera, E., Schroeder, H. (2017) REDD+: politics, interplays and impacts. Forests. 20 contributtions.
Hunsberger, C., Corbera, E., Borras, J. (2017) Climate change policies, resource grabbing and conflict: perspectives from Southeast Asia. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 38(3).
Börner, J., Baylis, K., Corbera, E., Ezzine de Blas, D., Ferraro, P.J., Honey-Rosés, J., Lapeyre, R., Martin Person, U., Wunder, S. (2016) Measuring Forest Conservation Effectiveness. PLOS One. 15 contributions.
Corbera, E., Martin, A. (2015) Carbon offsets: Accommodation or resistance? Environment and Planning A 47(10). 6 contributions.
Gómez-Baggethun, E., Corbera, E., Reyes-García, V. (2013) Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Adaptation to Global Environmental Change: North and South Perspectives. Ecology and Society, 18(4). 9 contributions.
Corbera, E., Schroeder, H. (2011) Governing and implementing REDD+. Environmental Science and Policy, 14(2). 12 contributions.
Pascual, U., Corbera, E. (2011) Payments for Environmental Services and Economic Development: Perspectives and Challenges. Revista Española de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros, 228. 6 contributions.
Pascual, U., Corbera, E., Muradian, R., Kosoy, N. (2010) Payments for Environmental Services: Reconciling Theory and Practice. Ecological Economics, 69. 11 contributions.
Videos, TV & radio interviews
2018 – ‘Conflict and cooperation over REDD+ in Mexico, Nepal and Vietnam’.
2017 – ‘REDD+ in the spotlight’.
2015 – ‘Climate mitigation plans challenged’.
2014 – ‘On the latest IPCC findings’.
2013 – ‘Canvi climàtic i la lluita contra les emissions’.
2011 – ‘On urban pollution’; ‘Tots Som Clima’ – 30-min conversations with an invited speaker to discuss climate change news and topics.
Press and e-media
2014 – ‘El cambio climático es una cuestión de voluntad política’, El Periódico de Catalunya 14/04/2014, pp. 22-23; ‘Biocombustibles, con límites’, El Periódico de Catalunya 17/02/2014, pp. 30.
2013 – ‘Deaf and blind? Why I Am Troubled About the Future of PES Research’, Sinergia; ‘The simplicity of PES is very alluring, but we cannot use simple solutions to solve complex problems’, Sustentabilidade em Debate.
2011 – ‘Alternatives en política climàtica’ (with J. van den Bergh), Diari ARA, 24/06/2011.
2009 – ‘Not ready for REDD?’ Science and Development Network Opinion Note; ‘El cambio climático y los pobres’, La Vanguardia Dossier El Cambio Climático: Un Reto para la Humanidad.
2008 – ‘Equity implications of marketing ecosystem services’ (with N. Kosoy), IMCAFS Basins & Coasts Newsletter 3.
2007 – ‘Climate change and forest livelihoods: impacts and synergies’, Arborvitae: the IUCN/WWF Newsletter 34; Interview in La Vanguardia (26/01/2007, pp. 29) about personal trading quotas, ‘Mi Carnet de CO2’ (26/11/2007, pp. 29).
News and blogs about published research
2016 – ‘Qui ha participat en el darer informe de l’IPCC?’ UAB Divulga Mar 2016.
2015 – de Volkskrant, 07/09/2015; NRC Klimaat, 14/09/2015 ; Pacific Standard, 08/09/2015; ‘Efectivitat dels pagaments per conservar la biodiversitat a Mèxic’ (with S. Costedoat), UAB Divulga Nov 2015.
2014 – ‘Efectes socioeconòmics i distributius de l’expansió dels cultius bioenergètics’, UAB Divulga Mar 2014.
Opinion letters
Published: ‘Vorals a les carreteres‘ (15/09/2015), ‘Millors universitats‘ (20/11/2013), ‘Fiscalitat ecològica‘ (10/11/2011), ‘Pagar per embrutar‘ (12/02/2011, pp. 24), ‘La ciencia económica‘ (09/01/2011, pp.28), ‘Desastre ambiental’ (08/06/2010, pp. 22), ‘Países tropicales y deforestación’ (05/12/2007, pp. 31), ‘Feliços somriures’ (08/09/2007, pp. 22), ‘Abstenció i democràcia’ (29/05/2007, pp. 48), ‘El legado de Thacther’ (25/04/2006, pp. 26), ‘Hacer bien las cuentas’ (04/09/2005, pp. 29), ‘Honestidad política’ (07/01/2004, pp. 18), ‘Doñana y la punta del iceberg’ (14/05/1998, pp. 24).
Not published: ‘Contractes a la universitat‘ (28/02/2015), ‘Present i futur del bosc‘ (22/03/2010); ‘La crisis es una oportunidad‘ (28/01/2009); ‘Cambio climático y futuro‘ (16/12/2007); ‘El auge del apocalipsis‘ (04/11/2006).
Other publications
Yamana – A personal poetry journey (2000-2011)