My teaching addresses a range of topics relevant to political ecology, environmental policy, ecological economics, and the social dimensions of climate change, predominantly at postgraduate level. I place critical emphasis on economic instruments for the conservation of biodiversity, and mechanisms for clean development and climate change mitigation and adaptation in developing countries, including the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism, the UNFCCC’s REDD+ framework and Payments for Ecosystem Services.
Taught courses
Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals
Development, Environment and Natural Resources, MSc in International Development. Course convenor and lecturer, 2017-ongoing, 24h/year + student assessment and supervision. Topics covered: principles and strands of political ecology; application of these principles to the analysis of resource ‘grabs’, biodiversity loss, climate change and desertification. Critical examination of proposed policy solutions, including protected areas, carbon markets, and adaptation programs.
Research design, PhD programme in Environmental Science and Technology. Lecturer, 2022-ongoing, 12h/year. Topics covered: ontology & epistemology, identifying your research topic and questions; research methods for the interdisciplinary social scientist.
Political Ecology, MSc in Interdisciplinary Studies in Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability. Lecturer, 2021-ongoing, 12h/year + student assessment and supervision. Topics covered: introduction to political ecology, ecological distribution conflicts, the social construction of knowledge, conservation and control.
Biocultural Diversity, MSc in Interdisciplinary Studies in Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability. Lecturer, 2018-ongoing, 9h/year + student assessment and supervision. Topics covered: political ecology of conservation, vulnerability and adaptation, systematic research reviews.
Foundations of Ecological Economics, MSc in Interdisciplinary Studies in Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability. Course convenor and lecturer, 2011-2016, 18h/year + student assessment and supervision. Topics covered: environmental institutions & governance, property rights & theory of access, ecosystem services and climate mitigation programs.
Global Change, MSc in Interdisciplinary Studies in Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability. Lecturer, 2013 & 2014, 12h/year + student assessment and supervision. Topics covered: international climate policy, vulnerability and adaptation, carbon markets and offsets, renewables and bioenergy policies, geo-engineering, REDD+.
Introduction to Ecological Economics, MA in Economics History. Lecturer 2011-2013, 12h/year + student assessment and supervision. Topics covered: environmental policy instruments, externalities, eco-efficiency and the Kuznetz curve, cost-benefit and multi-criteria analysis, ecological debt and conflicts, environment and growth debate.
Human Uses of the Earth System, 1st year Environmental Sciences. Lecturer 2014, 6h/year + student assessment. Topics covered: sustainable development, macro-economic accounting, population growth and natural resources.
Environmental & Natural Resources Economics, 2nd year Environmental Sciences. Lecturer 2011-2013, 8h/year + student assessment. Topics covered: property and access theory, ecological distribution conflicts, bioenergy policy and impacts, climate change negotiations, climate change adaptation, payments for ecosystem services.
Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge
Economic development and land use policies, MPhil in Environmental Policy. Lecturer 2009-2011, 8h/year + student assessment and supervision. Topics covered: Integrated Conservation and Development theory and practice, payments for ecosystem services and development, climate change and forests: scientific basis, governance frameworks and emerging policies and practice, climate change negotiations, bioenergy policies and impacts.
Chevening Fellowship Programme. Lecturer 2008-2009, 4h/year. Topics covered: the clean development mechanism, voluntary carbon offsets, REDD+ and payments for ecosystem services.
School of International Development, University of East Anglia
Climate Change and Development Professional Training Course, School of International Development. Lecturer 2008-2011, 4h/year. Topics covered: climate change mitigation and development, voluntary carbon offsets.
MSc Induction Week Course, School of International Development. Course convenor 2005.
Understanding Environmental Change seminar series, MSc in Environment and Development. Seminar facilitator 2004, 8 hours. Topics covered: the tragedy of the commons, environmental crisis narratives, foundations of political ecology, Lomborg’s skeptical environmentalist.
Introduction to Development Studies seminar series, 1st year Development Studies. Seminar facilitator 2004. Topics covered: the World’s Summit on Sustainable Development, knowledge and progress.
International Foundation Programme for International Students, Faculty of Social Sciences. Course convenor 2003.