
I list below the academic conferences and research workshops in which I have participated as keynote or invited speaker, panelist or discussant.

Academic conferences (in English)

‘From unruly carbon to the environmentalism of the paid: a personal journey through incentive-based forest conservation in the tropics’, Global Land Program Conference, Mexico, November 4-8, 2024.

‘The effectiveness of government and NGO efforts in curbing deforestation in the Colombian Amazon’, FLARE Conference, Italy, October 3-6, 2024.

‘Sustained payments reduce deforestation in a Mexican agricultural frontier’, International Society of Ecological Economics Conference, Colombia, October 26-28, 2023.

‘Neoliberal policy refugia: The death and life of biodiversity offsetting in England, Spain and the EU’, Political Ecology Network Conference, Online, September 24-26, 2020. Panel convener & Speaker.

‘Troubled encounters: Payments for ecosystem services, collective action and community leadership in Chiapas, Mexico’. International Association for the Study of the Commons Conference, Lima, July 1-5, 2019.

‘Re-examining payments for environmental services’. Latin American Studies Conference, Barcelona, May 23-26, 2018. Discussant.

‘Why is biodiversity offsetting struggling in the EU? A tale of three scales’. Association of American Geographers Conference, New Orleans, April 10-14, 2018. Panel convener & speaker.

‘Reconceptualizing Ecosystem Services as Sites of Contestation, Hybridization and Transformation’. Association of American Geographers Conference, New Orleans, April 10-14, 2018. Discussant.

‘Distinct positions underpin ecosystem services and poverty alleviation research’. Association of American Geographers Conference, Boston, April 5-9, 2017. Panel convenor.

‘Contesting the Market-Based Logic: Alternative Discourses of Payments for Ecosystem Services’. Association of American Geographers Conference, Boston, April 5-9, 2017. Discussant.

‘Combining Participatory Forest Management with REDD+ in Tanzania: An analysis of governance and livelihood impacts’. FLARE conference. Edinburgh, December 3-4, 2016.

‘Analysing the legitimacy of Mexico’s REDD+ readiness process’. Climate Change Interventions as a Source of Conflict, Competing Claims and New Mobilities. LANDAC, NWO and Utrecht University Conference. Utrecht, November 24-25, 2016.

‘Understanding conflict and cooperation in REDD+ through the lens of justice: Evidence from Mexico, Nepal and Vietnam’. Climate Change Interventions as a Source of Conflict, Competing Claims and New Mobilities. LANDAC, NWO and Utrecht University Conference. Utrecht, November 24-25, 2016.

‘Six thoughts on ‘the carbon fix’’. American Anthropological Association Conference, Minneapolis, November 16-19, 2016. Panel discussant.

Crowding-in or crowding-out? A conceptual framework to understand motivations in payments for ecosystem services’. Resource Politics Conference, University of Sussex, September 7-9, 2015. Panel convenor.

‘The Social Carbon Network: Coordination, Conventions Theory and the Carbon Offset Network’. At the International Society for Ecological Economics Conference, Reykjavik, August 15, 2014.

The ‘will never be’ commodity? The uncooperativeness of forest-carbon offsets. Association of American Geographers Conference, Tampa, April 11, 2014.

‘Simple principles, complex practices? Early experience of community-based REDD+ in Tanzania’. Second International Conference on Global Land Grabbing, Cornell University, Ithaca, 18 October, 2012.

‘A resilience framework for ‘land grabs’ research’. First International Conference on Global Land Grabbing, University of Sussex, Brighton, 7 April, 2011.

‘Payments for ecosystem services as commodity fetishism’. International Conference on Environmental Justice and Conflicts, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, 2 July, 2010.

‘Payments for environmental services, tropical livelihoods and conservation: a review of the evidence’. Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Washington D.C., 18 April, 2010.

‘Development benefits in the Kuyasa low-income housing CDM project in South Africa’. Earth System Governance: People, Places and the Planet Conference, Amsterdam, 3 December, 2009.

‘Institutional dimensions of payments for ecosystem services: An analysis of Mexico’s carbon forestry programme’. 10th Biennial Conference of the International Society of Ecological Economics, Nairobi, 9 August, 2008.

‘Community participation in payments for ecosystem services: Case Studies from the Lacandon Rainforest, Mexico’. 7th Biennial Conference of the European Society of Ecological Economics, Leipzig, 7 June, 2007.

‘Building institutions to trade ecosystem services: Marketing forest carbon in Mexico’. Institutional Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Synthesis Conference, Bali, 8 December, 2006.

‘Carbon forestry governance and property rights: observations from projects in Mexico and Belize’. 6th Biennial Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, Lisbon, 16 June, 2005.

‘The equity and legitimacy of markets for ecosystem services: Carbon forestry activities in Chiapas, Mexico’. Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, Oaxaca, 10 August, 2004.

‘A Multi-Criteria Assessment Framework for Carbon-Mitigation Projects: Putting ‘development’ in the centre of decision-making’. 5th Biennial Conference of the European Society of Ecological Economics, Puerto de la Cruz, 15 February, 2003.

Invited talks (in English/Catalan/Spanish)

‘How PES technical assistance affects enrollment, performance, and collective action’, Paying for Nature: 20 years of Mexico’s Payments for Ecosystem Services programs International Workshop, Mexico City, June 29, 2023.

‘Población y medioambiente: Una mirada multidisciplinar’, XIII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Demografia Histórica, Hotel de la Vila Universitaria, UAB Campus. September 9, 2022.

‘The role of environmental state/bureaucrats in biodiversity offsetting’, Varieties of Biodiversity Offsetting International Workshop, Paris, October 15, 2021.

‘Towards an ethics of care: the role of academic institutions’, Urban Interventions Workshop, University of Bergen, November 5, 2020.

‘Troubled encounters: Payments for ecosystem services, collective action and community leadership in Chiapas, Mexico’, Facultad de Economía, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, November 16, 2018.

‘Los PSA más allá de Colombia: Qué sabemos, qué nos falta por saber, y lo que nunca sabremos’, Foro “Pagos por Servicios Ambientales: Discursos, diseño, implementación y los retos del nuevo gobierno”, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, 15 November 2018.

‘Environmental justice in telecoupling research: a review and ways forward’, Environmental Justice in Governing Telecoupled Systems, Research Workshop, University of Bern, November 7, 2018.

‘Conflict and cooperation over REDD+ in Mexico, Nepal and Vietnam. An overview of project findings’, CCMCC International Research Program Final Workshop, The Hague, June 7, 2018.

‘Patterns of Authorship in the IPCC Working Group III Report: Why Geographic Diversity May Not Lead to Intellectual Diversity’, Institute for Advanced Study Lecture, Indiana University, Bloomington, September 29, 2017.

‘Climate change, forests and indigenous peoples (original talk in Spanish) Inaugural lecture for the exhibition ‘Our life as Rarámuri’s in the forests’, National Museum of Cultures, Mexico City, November 12, 2016.

‘La ciència de la mitigació del canvi climàtic: Qui escriu per l’IPCC?’, Universitat Catalana d’Estiu, Prada de Conflent, August 18, 2016.

‘Payments for ecosystem services in the global South: are they fair?’ Strategic Environment Research Initiative, Bren School of Environmental Management and Policy, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, May 18, 2016.

‘Payments for Ecosystem Services to conserve biodiversity in the South: effective and fair?’ IDDRI Seminar Series Paris, Apr 2016.

Laudato Si: la mirada al canvi climatic. Seminari de Teologia i Ciències de Barcelona, Feb 24, 2016.

‘Carbon offsets: accommodation or resistance?’ Global governance/politics, climate justice and agrarian/social justice: linkages and challenges. International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Feb 2016.

‘Tok’uaj and the disappearing forests: a tale about how forests conservation mapping can counteract the advancement of the agricultural frontier’. At the conference “Land Grabbing: Perspectives from East and Southeast Asia”, Chiang Mai University, June 5, 2015.

‘Tok’uaj and the disappearing forests: a tale about how forests conservation mapping can counteract the advancement of the agricultural frontier’. At the conference “Land Grabbing: Perspectives from East and Southeast Asia”, Chiang Mai University, June 5, 2015.

‘¿Quién escribe para el IPCC? Disciplinas y autores dominantes en el Grupo de Trabajo 3 del Quinto Informe’. Universidad de Salta, Argentina, April 24, 2015. [Also given at the Remedia Workshop, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, March 23, 2015]

‘Evolució de la política internacional del canvi climàtic’. At the course “Canvi Climàtic: repte o oportunitat?”, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, July 10, 2014.

‘The will never be commodity? The uncooperativeness of carbon (REDD+) offsets and three governance mismatches’. At the conference “Carbon, Land and Property”, University of Copenhagen, July 1-4, 2014.

‘Will REDD+ work for people? Learning from the outcomes of Payments for Ecosystem Services’. At the School of Environment, Education and Development Seminar Series, University of Manchester, October 23, 2013.

Noves estratègies de conservació. Speaker at the roundtable of the workshop “New challenges in Environmental Conservation”. Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera, Barcelona, May 3, 2013.

‘A carbon forestry short tale’. At the Critical Agrarian Studies Colloquium Global land grabbing: towards broader and deeper theoretical and empirical perspectives, International Institute of Social Studies & Transnational Institute, The Hague, 11 June, 2012.

‘Assessing the performance of markets and payments for ecosystem services: equity and legitimacy perspectives’. At the workshop Beyond efficiency – Beyond Efficiency – Exploring the Political and Institutional Dimensions of Market-based Instruments for Ecosystem Services, Ecosystem Services Research Group, Berlin, 14 March, 2012.

‘Pagar per conserver: exemples dels tròpics’. Aula d’Ecologia, Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona, 21 February, 2012.

‘Payments for ecosystem services: reconciling theory and practice’. At the workshop “Planning Education for Adaptation to Global Environmental Change: Challenges and Responsibilities”, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, 14 November, 2011.

‘Pagament per Serveis Ambientals al Montseny? Alternatives de valoració i instruments per incrementar les rendes agro-forestals’. Associació de Propietaris Forestals del Montseny, Viladrau, 14 May, 2011.

‘Payments for ecosystem services: a solution for conservation?’ European Forest Institute School: Making values work – exploring multiple perspectives in understanding the valuation of forest ecosystems, Freiburg, 24 March, 2011.

‘Payments for ecosystem services: a new commodity fetishism?’ At the workshop Gouverner le vivant Savoirs, Cultures et Politiques de la Biodiversite, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 23 March, 2011.

‘Will marketizing nature save the world?’ At the workshop Debating Development: Revisiting the Millennium Development Goals, University of Antwerp, 8 November, 2010.

‘Contribució del papgament per serveis ambientals a la conservació de la biodiversitat’ At the seminar Economia i Biodiversitat, Departament de Medi Ambient, Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, 14 October, 2010.

‘L’Acord de Copenhague: què, perquè i d’ara endavant’ Environmental dialogue series, Associació Catalana de Ciències Ambientals, Barcelona, 29 April, 2010.

‘Carbon payments in Mexican forests: insights from the national program and a flagship project’. At the workshop Market-based instruments and Payments for Environmental Services in forestry: a real solution? European Forestry Institute, Barcelona, 17 December, 2009.

‘Planting trees and climate change: a property and access perspective’. Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, 25 November, 2009.

‘Climate change: broadening differences in an uneven world’. Inaugural conference at the workshop Canvi Climàtic: un repte per als drets humans al segle XXI, Associació Espanyola de les Nacions Unides, Barcelona, 5 November, 2009.

‘Projectes forestals de mitigació d’emisions: Evidència global i reptes d’implementació’. Expo Biocultura, Palau Sant Jordi, Barcelona, 7 May, 2009.

‘Who owns forest carbon?’ At the workshop Rural Property and Inequality. School of International Development, University of East Anglia, Norwich, 1 September, 2008.

‘El Programa SOSxCO2 pel càlcul i la reducció d’emissions del Departament de Vicepresidència de la Generalitat de Catalunya’ At the workshop Desenvolupament Sostenible i Canvi Climàtic en un món global, Palau Robert, Barcelona. 3 March, 2008.

‘Institutional Dimensions of Payments for Ecosystem Services: An analysis of Mexico’s carbon forestry programme’, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 19 February 2008 [The same conference was delivered at the South African government’s Ministry of Science and Innovation, Pretoria, 20 February, 2008]

‘El Canvi Climàtic a Catalunya’, UNESCOCAT, Barcelona, 13 December, 2007.

‘Les Quotes d’Emissió Comercialitzables’ At the workship Energia i Canvi Climàtic, Fundació Fòrum Ambiental, Barcelona. 20 October, 2007.

‘The CDM: Current Status, Perspectives and Future Policy’, Resources for the Future. Washington D.C., 23 July, 2007.

‘El Canvi Climàtic: una bomba de rellotgeria?’ Universitat Progressista d’Estiu de Catalunya, Geography Department, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, 13 July, 2007.

‘The social impacts of carbon forestry offsets in Mexico’ 11th Meeting of the Poverty and Environment Partnership, Copenhagen, 19 June, 2007.

‘Back to the middle ages? Growth and consumption in the face of climate change’, Café Scientifique organised by the British Council, Bratislava, 21 April, 2007.

‘Equity implications of marketing ecosystem services in rural communities and protected areas. Case studies from Meso-America’, El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico D.F., 12 February, 2007.

‘The CDM in Africa and the Tyndall Centre’s Programme on Climate Change and International Development’, Energy and Resources Group, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, 7 February, 2007.

‘Climate change: a risk or an opportunity for sustainable development in poor countries?’ At the workshop Climate Change, the Environment and You, University of Sussex, Brighton, 18 November, 2006.

‘Interrogating development in carbon forestry activities: a case study from Mexico’, Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, 14 February, 2006.

‘Bringing development into carbon forestry markets: Challenges and outcomes of small-scale carbon forestry activities in Mexico’, Centre for International Forestry Research, Bogor, 16 February, 2005.

‘The Clean Development Mechanism: structure, functions, development and challenges’ As part of the course Climate Change: Science and Policy Responses, Imperial College, London, 1 April, 2004.

‘Carbon forestry as an environmental and development strategy’ As part of the course Radical Solutions to Climate Change, Dana Centre, London, 29 March and 7 April, 2004.

‘Forestry for carbon sequestration: whose opportunities?’ At the workshop Conservation and Sustainable Development in Chiapas, School of International Development, University of East Anglia, Norwich, 17 September, 2002.

‘CDM projects and sustainable development: Evaluating policy options through a Stakeholder Multi-Criteria approach’ Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research Annual Assembly, University of Manchester, 28 August, 2002.