Category: Climate change adaptation

  • Climate policies, natural resources and conflict: Implications for development

    Climate policies, natural resources and conflict: Implications for development

    The journal Climate Policy has published a new special issue focused on climate change policies, natural resources management and conflict, and the linkages of these policies and processes with development in the global South. Guest edited by Dik Roth (Wageningen University), Courtney Work (National Chengchi University) and myself, the special issue encompasses eight articles which […]

  • Large-scale irrigation as maladaptation?

    Large-scale irrigation as maladaptation?

    Agricultural landscapes are dynamic environments which change in response to cropping and trade opportunities, available technologies and climatic conditions. In this article, led by McGill University researcher Amaia Albizua, we investigate farmers’ vulnerability to climate-related stressors and crop price volatility in rural Navarre, Spain. Specifically, we analyse the extent to which livelihood differences and vulnerability […]

  • Conflict in REDD+ – Insights from the CoCooR project

    Conflict in REDD+ – Insights from the CoCooR project

    Climate change policies need to become conflict sensitive in order to be effective in its environmental and social-economic goals. In this video, developed by The Netherlands Research Agency (NWO) in the context of the Conflict and Cooperation in the Management of Climate Change (CCMCC) programme, I reflect on the main results of the programme’s funded […]

  • Towards a just REDD+: Transforming forest conflicts in Nepal

    Towards a just REDD+: Transforming forest conflicts in Nepal

    Is REDD+ causing conflicts in Nepal? If so, which kind of conflicts? How does an environmental justice lens contribute to illuminate and resolve these conflicts? What can be done to transform the conflicts in ways that result in a more “just” REDD+? In this Policy Brief, led by Hari Dhungana and Gyanu Maskey from the Southasia […]

  • Climate change policies and agrarian-environmental transformations

    Routledge Development Studies launched two special issues together from the Journal of Peasant Studies and Canadian Journal of Development Studies. Both collections are on the broad themes of climate change mitigation/adaptation and agrarian-environmental transformations. Both collections are open access for a limited period of time. I had the honour of guest editing the collection published in CJDS, with colleagues Carol Hunsberger (University […]