Author: Esteve
Justice in Nature-Based Solutions
In this new article led by my colleague at ICTA-UAB, Isabelle Anguelovski, we propose a “justice-inspired” framework to think about, design and implement Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), which have been heavily featured over the last few years in global research and policy agreements. We argue that as NBS become mainstream climate mitigation and adaptation options, their […]
Justice in Nepal’s REDD+
“I feel more empowered being involved in REDD+ for the last three years and can speak with confidence on different issues of indigenous peoples. It is not because of politics but as I am involved in a lot of REDD+ trainings, I got to know more about indigenous rights and provisions”. “I received buffalo-calf from […]
Habitat banking at a standstill
In many countries worldwide, development projects are asked to comply with the “mitigation hierarchy” in environmental impact assessment. They must avoid environmental impacts as much as possible in the project design phase, minimize unavoidable impacts through specific measures during implementation, address impacts on-site through specific remediation and restoration environmental activities, and finally offset the residual […]
Troubled Encounters: Payments for Ecosystem Services in Chiapas, Mexico
Before, nobody could tell me what to do with my trees, because each of us is the owner of his parcel. But now, with the PES programme, it is forbidden to cut trees. [The consultant] said it only concerns members of PES working groups, but the ‘comisariado’ says everyone is affected (farmer NOT involved in […]
La praxis académica en tiempos del Covid-19: desarrollemos una ética del cuidado.
Una versión extendida y mejorada del blog que escribimos a continuación se publicó en régimen de acceso abierto en la revista Planning Theory and Practice, y se puede descargar aquí: por Esteve Corbera, Isabelle Anguelovski, Jordi Honey-Rosés e Isabel Ruiz-Mallén La crisis global del virus Covid-19 está teniendo consecuencias dramáticas para la vida y […]